Saturday 24 April 2010

Wow, so lots has been happening this week - I'll start with the most exciting news -

Moonlet and the Love Monks were on BBC Radio Cornwall this week!

They were on the BBC Introducing show on friday night, and they'll be on it again on sunday at 5pm. Make sure you listen!

And, good news for me, they even used my picture on the BBC website! Yay!

How exciting. =] Obviously everyone is very pleased and proud of Dan, Joe, Marc and Moonlet. The radio DJ had high praise for their song, saying it was 'Fabulous' and that they liked it. (They got the most praise out of all the other bands!)

So, that said, the next news flash for you is...

I finished the websites I was doing. =D

My own website, is up and running, and the links above ^^^^ will take you to other pages on my site.

I have also finished designing the Moonlet and the Love Monks site, but the content still needs to go in and due to... certain circumstances (I fell out with the hosting company), it's not up just yet. But it will be soon. =] So look forward to it.

And the last piece of news, which is probably not something i'll be posting about a lot here, because it's a personal project, is that I've started collaborating with a writer to create a Shojo Manga. This is something i've always wanted to do, and the writer and I have been talking to each other through email and livejournal for a long time (she lives in America), so we know what we both like and everything. So, although I probably won't be posting up much about it, I thought i'd just show you some character designs for the main female character, Aya.

Yes, so that's that.

Oh! One last bit of news, for those of you that have facebook:

I have a new facebook group. I thought i'd test the waters a bit and see how many people actually like my work (call it an ego boost if you will, but to be honest, I think I need one after this year '-_-), so here it is: Moonlily Design and Illustration.

Well, that's about it I think. =]

Saturday 10 April 2010

Another go at a Haiku illustration :-

People, when you see the smoke,
do not think
it is fields they're burning.
I finished designing and coding the website for Moonlet and the Love-Monks this week - however, it's not up because we're all incredibly poor and can't afford the £30 it takes to set it up. (That goes for both me and M&theLM, lol). But I did set up their blog, which took absolutely AGES because Blogger is so adamant that it won't let you do things it dosen't like.

You can find it here, please check it out:

They have a donate button on their website, so if you have any change to spare, please donate!

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Friday 2 April 2010

Did lips, painted with poison, just come into my room?

Yeah, fourth post in the same day... but I don't like blogs being bare. =P

I love this video, it's so fun to watch. =3

I really liked this thing I did for my website... it was only supposed to be a bit of an experiment with what Ben suggested for me on thursday, but I actually quite like it. Maybe I can make the pics i've already done for this project look similar?

Kiss me down by the broken tree house...

^^ I have a habit of using song lyrics for titles on my blogs. =]

So... I thought it looked a bit bare in here... so I thought i'd post a picture.

These are from the project i'm doing at the moment; i've decided to go with a different style, but these were... stepping stones, if you will.

This was to illustrate Baika's Jisei poem:

People, when you see the smoke,
do not think
it is fields they're burning.


Next one:

This is for Baiko's Jisei poem:

Plum petals falling
I look up - the sky,
a clear crisp moon.

Also, something else kind of good, I'm doing a website for Marc's Photography company, MB Photos. That's their deviantart portfolio page, so i'll be designing their website in return for some photos. Yay. =3


Um, yeah. This is my blog. Well, it's ONE of my blogs. The one that isn't filled up with a load of grumbling and griping.

I'll be posting Illustrationy stuff here, so... look forward to it. Or don't. It's up to you. =3