Saturday, 2 February 2013

I saw you in Heaven and learnt of your glory.


Firstly, I apologise for falling off the face of the earth! I've been unbelievably busy lately. I now have two part time jobs; i'm still working at Wetherspoons, but now I work in a funky little milkshake shop! I have to say, i'm a lot less stressed out nowadays. Apart from when i'm worrying about my car! >_<

But enough about that. You want to hear what i've been doing since... the last blog post. April?! Wow, i've really been slack about this, haven't I?

Okay, so...

Since April last year... i've been working a lot more with Keep It Secret! I've really been enjoying working with them - I even attended a couple of Expos this year thanks to them. One was helping out on their stall selling Kawaii Gifts and Asian Candy, and the other was actually selling my own stuff! (I'll get to that in a minute though. =3)

Their mascot, Tanuki, is still going strong! Here's a pic.

Isn't he cute? I'll be drawing a lot more of Tanuki, which is awesome. ^_^ I've had a lot of fun working for KIS. =D

Also, this... last year just gone... I worked with Tony Haven again, doing the cover artwork and inside for his new album. It was a massive project! I think I remember mentioning it some time in April last year, it was that massive! But it was a lot of fun. Very challenging, and really good to do some things that I hadn't really pushed myself in before. I really feel like I got a lot out of this project, and it's definitely something I would like to do again. =D

You'll have to wait until March to see the finished project (I can't wait until it goes live!), but in the meantime, here's a sneaky peek:

I also did another EP cover for my friend, Roger Heathers. It wasn't as huge a project as Tony Haven's album, but it was still fun to do. =] You can download his EP for free on his Bandcamp!

Okay, so, what's this about selling at Expos, I hear you enthusiastically ask? WELL. It just so happened that I was asked by Fantasy Events to design a logo for the very first Plymouth Anime and Comic Expo! 

So, I did, and as a result, I got to exhibit my stuff on one of the stalls. I heard about it months in advance, which gave me enough time to get a lot of stock together. I now have badges, necklaces, prints and keyrings to sell! I even bought myself a screen printer for xmas, so very soon i'll have canvas bags, T Shirts, you name it. You can find them all at =D


There's actually another expo coming to Plymouth soon too! It's on the 28th of April, at the Copthorne Hotel again. The first one was so much fun, if you're a fan of comics or anime, you'll definitely want to catch it. You can find all the info on their event page, here!

One other bit of small(ish) news. I wasn't going to let anybody know yet incase it didn't go the way I want, but I figure since I have other things in the pipeline now that i'm holding very close to my chest, it won't matter if I let this little one slip. ;)

I've actually applied for The Prince's Trust, in the hopes of securing some kind of grant and advice to set up my own business. I have an interview on Valentine's Day to see if it's something I want to do, but they seem to think my business idea is something worth turning into a business. This is just one of the cards that I have on the table right now, so i'm not pinning too much on it, but it's definitely something to be hopeful about! 

So... to be honest, that's all I can think of for the time being. This is turning into a bit of a novel anyways, so i'll end it here. So... I hope you like the new site. This blog will definitely need a bit of updating - you can't actually get onto my website from here yet. It'll definitely get done, but i'm in need of a hot bubbly bath right now, so it'll have to wait. =]

In the meantime, check it out at for now, and let me know what you think! I love feedback on all my work; it lets me know that i'm heading in the right direction!