I really loved the huge prints I had done - in all of the... *thinks* 4? 4. In all of the 4 exhibitions I've been a part of, I've never really had the opportunity to have my pictures displayed so largely and clearly, so I was quite impressed with how... good... they looked (not to toot my own horn, of course). Ma and Pa loved it, and I always love it when they're impressed with my work, so that's a good thing.
Everyone else did very well too, the whole exhibition looked really good, I thought. I particularly liked Lindy Lewis' animal prints. Google her if you get a chance, since i'm not sure if she has a website. =3
The exhibition is up until next friday, so if you're in the Plymouth area, go have a look!In other news, Moonlet & the Love-monks have released their new EP that features my artwork. You can buy it from their website, http://www.moonlet.co.uk/ . I also do some vocals on the last track which I did kind of grudgingly, but I did actually enjoy it despite what I may say sometimes. I'm even kind of enjoying hearing myself back, plus I'll admit, i'm enjoying the little ego boost i'm getting from people commenting on it. I've been getting quite a few nice comments about my work recently, and it's doing wonders for my self-confidence. I do feel quite good about myself at the moment, which is a very big thing considering the year I've had.
So the week after next is the New Designers exhibit in London - I'm not sure if any of my work will be shown (I hope it is), but i'm sure it's going to look great anyway. I'm really looking forwards to going shopping in Camden Market again (I'm getting my birthday money a week early, lol).
I've been playing around with felt this weekend - we went to Mazey Day on saturday which always puts me in an artistic mood. I made a Kero-chan (from Cardcaptor Sakura) ^^
And a sun. ^^ I also made a white whale for Dan, a cloud for myself, a little star for my Ma and a fish for my Pa (my old man's a fisherman).And the last piece of news is that I've been working on Vinita Hemachandra's website: http://www.vinitaslazyafternoon.com/ . I haven't finished yet, i've just been doing it in between all the other things i've been doing lately (which isn't really a whole lot). However, I do think that this will have to be the last website I do for free - I need to start asking people for money for doing this soon, lol.